Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mountain by Hamza Robertson

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Masa cuti haritu saya dengar satu nasyid daripada Hamza Robertson
tajuk dia mountain
cam pelik je ape la nasyid tajuk gini. tak pernah dibuat orang kot.
tapi bila dengar dengar ulang ulang kali

subhanallah rasa nasyid ni sangat memberi kesedaran
betapa indahnya Islam
betapa kita ni perlu menghargai makhluk lain.
makhluk lain yang Allah jadikan.Allah cipta.
gunung pun  makhluk Allah. gunung berzikir kepada Allah. 
dan tak pernah merungut. 
Allah jadikan alam ni untuk kita ambik pengajaran, kita teladani
macam lebah, semut.
betapa rajinnya lebah dan semut. 
betapa cekalnya ikan salmon. 
walau beribu2 batu dia mengembara, akhirnya akan pulang ke sungai tempat lahirnya.
dan banyak lagi. dan gunung ni antara salah satu makhluk Allah yang tak putus2 berzikir padaNya
boleh je rasanya kalau gunung ni nak kasi tanah dia runtuh atas manusia ke.
tiap kali manusia lalu atas dia
ye dok? ehe
oklah, mari kita hayati lirik Hamza Robertson :)

The Mountain 
Hamza Robertson

I gave my Salam to the mountain
And I drank from the mountain stream
And I walked upon its surface
And it all felt like a dream
And this mountain it is a Muslim
And I feel like he’s my friend
And as I climbed on to his peak
I wished it would never end

Allahu Allahu Allahu (throughout)
La Ilaha Ilallah (throughout)
We should be like the mountain
It never complains
We should be like the mountain
It praises God and never complains
We should be like the mountain
Like the mountain

I gave my Salam to the mountain
And I strive through the wind and the snow
And something caught my eye up in the sky
And I wished it would never let go
Cause this mountain it is a Muslim
And I feel like he’s my friend
And as I climbed on to his peak
I wished it would never end

Subhanaka Ya Allah
Glory be to You oh Allah

On this mountain I feel complete
And while I’m here to this mountain I will speak

Subhanaka Ya Allah
Glory be to You oh Allah

And thank God for this wonderful day
And I know the mountain feels the same way

Subhanaka Ya Allah
Glory be to You oh Allah


We should be like the mountain
An awe-inspiring Muslim
As it is
We should be like the mountain
Like the mountain

La Ila hailAllah
There's no God but Allah
Allahu Allah

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